うたまっぷトップへ ☆★☆ 人気投票一覧 ☆★☆    ☆★☆ 新着順リスト ☆★☆
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    検索結果: 全 7 件      3710さんの歌詞人気投票一覧へ                      
  歌詞名   作詞者 アップ日付 歌詞についてのアピールコメント
Even you are not here
3710 07/03/18 hey.... i wrote like this but dont leave me...
Dont be afraid
3710 07/03/12 thats i felt since i was with you I could open my heart cuz of you, luv you and thanks
3710 07/03/09 hehe, maybe its not really nice...
i miss ya
3710 07/03/04 when you love someone, you miss her or him so much, right?
3710 07/03/04 i think that you cant undersntad what i wrote but dont worry i goona tell about it if you want. see ya
be right besides me
3710 07/02/28 read it ne?
For you S
3710 07/02/23 um, well... there is nothing to say about this lyrics but i gonna be happy if you read this.
