

prayer song
作詞 R-tya
600 million people today
I feel alive and breathing
Innocent children are today 5,000
You go hot and painful death by starvation

Why would I
What can I do to?
I think I will live forever in this thing?

I somehow
It so sad
I am laughing because the
Next someone is dead

Somehow I'm very frustrated
You just can not do anything that is still alive because
I am here because

But children have not even wanted to go live
Knowing I can just live it
It would
Why would not likely
But that's it when people just say What What we
Breath of life that is limited in the living human
I know that there is no more wonderful
Think you know the mind so that you know
Think you know the mind so that you know

Memento still here
I have been seeing here certainly always here
I'm crying You can also
Surely you can love the breast from the chest should always

Song produced prayer life of each person is born
That is where we always...

What I'm to believe that the real world after death
He died without knowing the happy day because
The meet somewhere sometime?
Be rewarded in heaven?
I like going where?
Where should I go?

Meet again when both disappeared without joy, without laughing fit
With pride when their tour match at the place called heaven
This talk, "something that was full of beautiful happy happy"

Let's say that what I teach again someday

But children have not even wanted to go live
Knowing I can just live it
It would
Why would not likely
But that's it when people just say What What we
Breath of life that is limited in the living human
I know that there is no more wonderful
Think you know the mind so that you know
Think you know the mind so that you know

Memento still here
I have been seeing here certainly always here
I'm crying You can also
Surely you can love the breast from the chest should always

Song produced prayer life of each person is born
That is where we always...

I'll dream come true and I pray you see a shooting star
Once you do it's tearing my heart I love and call
Until then we will wrap up the last light of the anger
I may never meet will not forget even without
I'm sure you remember to remember that you probably
She is also friendly and earth the moon the stars remember that birds

Memento still here
I have been seeing here certainly always here
I'm crying You can also
Surely you can love the breast from the chest should always

Song produced prayer life of each person is born
That is where we always...

600 million people today
I feel alive and breathing
Innocent children are today 5,000
You go hot and painful death by starvation


歌詞タイトル prayer song
公開日 2011/08/19
ジャンル その他
カテゴリ その他
コメント 構成 Intro1 Intro2 A1 A2 S1 D1 D2 A1 A2 A3 S1 D1 D2 E1 D1 D2 Intro1
