

作詞 R-tya
I would walk down the street without knowing where to go after death...

I would walk down the street without knowing where to go after death...

I would walk down the street without knowing where to go after death...

There is another in the heart of my heart
Can you help me encouragement for an emergency

I thought about but full of love, Mune
Why would you love to love does not mean we hold the palm ...

You should not give up until the day you can visit
Hitoshi Kono beside me so much

Cherish in my heart forever
You want love and intimate memories
The incensed that found the ultimate sunny
Now return to the essence of life extended

The true joy of living and power of language to shake it off
Spirit forever and ever because my friend and

And to all who live life
This love and Shadow Tribute

Light scattered stardust love
That it is "forever" What ...

5,000 m underground near the burning hell
Live quietly endured loneliness
Understand conflict and distressed
I'm such a meeting in the buff
Maneuver to cry alone in spite glance
Hope to see uncertainty and conflict in believing in me
The grips are colorful events with Japanese life and I am sure participants

todays ... after tomorrow
I was forever I feel that I am

Somehow we say life is irreplaceable
Do not live in vain and pretty?
Somehow what I'm what Iitee
Masonry Kasanetai only just free daily tube

(1st verse)
誰や 彼や 俺は生きた 永遠 積み重ね 司れ
愛情 不安定な心情 不一致 我が物顔で見定める明日へ
永遠に この胸開き 永遠に愛おしい人へ
永遠に 捧げたい思いがある 永遠に積木となり探し出す明日へ
明日へ 謙虚すぎる明日が また僕等を追いかけた
その先 その狭間で生きるんだ 葛藤に悩み明け暮れた心情を

(2nd verse)
僕等は 何か間違った道 決めてないかい
足取りは重く 船に乗るように
足跡辿り 生きた日々を振り返り
時に涙し 感動するとき
信実を探し 見出す自分の
程よい感情と 僕等生きてきたあの季節を
また思い出して 色とりどりの花を咲かせようよ

Cherish in my heart forever
You want love and intimate memories
The incensed that found the ultimate sunny
Now return to the essence of life extended

The true joy of living and power of language to shake it off
Spirit forever and ever because my friend and

抱いて ふとした瞬間思い出して それがたとえ明日でも 10年後でも
生きているんだね そして 笑ってられるんだね
お互いが お互いの感情を 読み解く間に気付く理論追求 方針を...

ただただ単純に 僕が生きてきた道を
このアルバムノートに...yeah yeah

Cherish in my heart forever
You want love and intimate memories
The incensed that found the ultimate sunny
Now return to the essence of life extended

The true joy of living and power of language to shake it off
Spirit forever and ever because my friend and


歌詞タイトル 命という名の価値
公開日 2011/07/19
ジャンル その他
カテゴリ その他
