

作詞 五里後ぞーランのバババババ
up to the people sky hi hi!
up to the people sky hi hi! yeah?
up to the people Color Star Mountain

Given what we know oh yes

(1st verse)
Nihilistic exercise books
Ulterior motives to be discouraged even when placed under any condition
I despise my life is no one-time
A smooth juncture
Your way back and tied hands
All the dear
Go all out like a stardust
"The future is in the hands of such as me."
I had such a word
dream on me
dream on me
Engrave the back of my heart for this tie sash cord opening to commit a dream
tomorrow ... sleep lyric masterpiece theater stage
Clown alive here!


(2nd verse)
Crossroads withdrawal smooth sailing!
Whether this just links that!
Left atrium to right atrium?
Aries Taurus flowing
don't have to yeah
need ret go!
story begin up to the people!!!

(3rd verse)
are you standing?
Ovation your country do you like??
mess ok yes
Special price! Ok do you hands up worthy Thanks!
ok ok, do you understand come later?

lock on the lock on the my need later?
story begins up forever friends
c'mon C'mon do you hands up people?
ok life time ok one chance the change
a I am go
story begins have to later
story ya yaya .. yaya ...
story ya ... every days

Hot flames burning the soul
Conceive a heart sing party! yeah
that's like
that's ok
story begins later? have you c'mon CO2

oh yes
no don't dorry story begins life oh? yes
story story stop the ten the around
are yes are the round OK sit ...
A trap, as if uncertain of the rain Talk
Noise of footsteps walking my life castle remains silent film
Three of the solar system, planetary galaxy sky snow Tsumoru broke down! Tomorrow shine in Emerald ...
hands up people place again... that this long time have to need ret go
you let's me here say ho..ho..ho!! ho ho!!!!!!!!!yeah!

up to the people sky hi hi!
up to the people sky hi hi! yeah?
up to the people Color Star Mountain

Given what we know oh yes

(1st verse)
辛い事ある 人生山あり谷あり
けれど負けずに 踏み出す勇気
あと一歩 めげない 努力
羞恥心 あがなう力
生命力 判断力 鈍りながら生きる黙殺 系動脈瘤
oh yes oh yes stop the people in to the
oh yes oh yes stop the high Island
oh yes oh yes stop the high Island
it is it is beautiful life...oh

(2nd verse)
Heaven or hell that I stare at her innocent of this city
What role or even halfway
Loss loss loss does not share shit
do you know

(3rd verse)
降り積もる 雪 何を思い 色褪せ
心なき会話で まだ日常生活送り出す
平然とした 日々の中贈る冥土 一斉のsay でぶち壊す
んなもん簡単だ I love say Yo I say he!!!

up to the people sky hi hi!
up to the people sky hi hi! yeah?
up to the people Color Star Mountain

Given what we know oh yes

Prozac fock D


歌詞タイトル 山頂へ
公開日 2010/08/22
ジャンル その他
カテゴリ その他
