作詞 GAP |
The thing which was able to be done up to now was not able to be quickened.
It was not possible to meet suddenly though it was able to meet you up to now.
It school where the problem was caused in the place where I was a school and it
was you became a withdrawal.
9 p.m. where one regulations person withdrawal returns to classroom
The last message is left for the blackboard and the classroom is last 9 p.m..
The moon gently compares me with the outside.
The moon which gently shines on will be wandering tonight for what.
It looked back on the thing which had been done up to now.
It was not so though was going to have come well up to now.
I became a withdrawal and you were called most first.
10 p.m. when voice of answering machine which answers ringing telephone call
was heard.
The last message is 10 p.m. in the answering machine when it disappeared in the
notebook of the leaving night.
The moon gently compares me with the outside.
So as not to see the line of the tear, it gently shines on.
The moon which gently shines on will be wandering tonight for what.
Is it a wonderful person such as the nebbish like me or you?