

作詞 R-tya
japsenpin japsenpin
You gatta try to the been to the try to again
pop pop, diva diva Ya ya ya,
Pop Pop to diva... da. da. da. dance

Streekな夜景にkick a song
baby name 無秩序なhero song
Avillira again, Just moment This pleace
place Peace my hand again

never just porprijust again This!
game favorite system templer
The moment This a place
You gotta try to the try to the peaople!

just mendz again this a peace
this a pear pear my hands,
game this try again to the for to the try to the meeets sports
Gat, same is the name so this
The name so this place so sweet my pleace says place

Ya, You my name is Colian the fuck again!
the place name is game better guys and girls!
try for to the special member in name
pop in a gratecisty tast The peace great this tekist!!

Ya is it sharpened this body for whom?
I do not know but you do not because you live Kkya
The resistance also at least! Struggling putting aside rank!
hest a system his the a system!!!

japsenpin japsenpin
You gatta try to the been to the try to again
pop pop, diva diva Ya ya ya,
Pop Pop to diva... da. da. da. dance

如いていうのなら虐げられたmy hands
special な孤独と戦う 癒えた猛獣にkick a song
better な物差で図ってんじゃねぇよ 意図もせず
辛うじて終わりだとかendlress game でほざいてんじゃねぇ
真っ向勝負すら出来ねぇビビリが何 ぼーぜんとつっ立ってんだ あぁ!?
なんて 騒ぎ立てられた輩共に喝!勝つ!
勢い良く突っ走った 玄人たちのsinger pence house!

just mendz again this a peace
this a pear pear my hands,
game this try again to the for to the try to the meeets sports
Gat, same is the name so this
The name so this place so sweet my pleace says place

Ya, You my name is Colian the fuck again!
the place name is game better guys and girls!
try for to the special member in name
pop in a gratecisty tast The peace great this tekist!!

Wanton song song by resistance nobody vertical commotion!
Drum and play and surprise ending also the hey hey I do not!
Zakone of our turn of events I'm not you play the better
On parade C'mon! B-style C'mon E-style!

japsenpin japsenpin
You gatta try to the been to the try to again
pop pop, diva diva Ya ya ya,
Pop Pop to diva... da. da. da. dance

japsenpin japsenpin 食い下がらねぇぜ
You gatta try to the been to the try to again
pop pop, diva diva Ya ya ya, 終っちゃいねぇぜ
Pop Pop to diva... da. da. da. dance


歌詞タイトル japsenpin
公開日 2013/07/07
ジャンル 歌謡
カテゴリ 社会問題
