Get through(Ver.Int'l)
I don’t know the time when the darkness came
This world did changed and still that fact remains
We got to change, but everybody’s trapped to cage
Where this motherfucking game is played
Even your life has brew up, and rest is nothing
You’ll feel like this shit’s just a hell or something
It’s like screaming at the ghosts surrounding
“Someone, tell me where the hope is coming!!”
Hear the voices of the teasing devils
It’s hard to keep up the breathing level
But sometimes you’ll feel like you’re being to gather
The life that we got to live together
So my man, just don’t forget for struggle
From traps surrounding to make you trouble
And I’ve decided to make them behind forever
It is deal to come true whatever
Put your motherfucking hands in the sky high
Never lose to the era, this is our fight style
We gonna get through
Go for this road to the hopeful and glorious new world
Now it’s easy to fall to be homeless
So everybody says it’s thought to be hopeless
It seems that we look like all trashes
From masters of the world evil and cold-blooded
You wanna fall to gain nothing?
Running through the night, go to cause something
It’s high time, get up massive!! It is happening
The biggest revenge from division of ashes
Smack it!! Yo, don’t ever end up to live on the newspaper
Because you’re boss player, don’t cry no more
Because I know that we have to live for sure
Don’t be slow!! Just grab the MIC
To shout out “I’m fighting for living my life”
Therefore, I’m gonna clack so many nightmares!!
Glorious new world’s already right there
Looking up the dark sky down from the building
Cold moon almost kills me (Fuck it!)
Whole game is so lame, more pain and no gain
Already so many soldiers did gone away
But over the diversity, survivors will see the lifeworks we did
So why don’t believe that night flows away?
Right over there’s light for the day!
(The sun rise up)
Don’t be shy, you don’t need to sigh
We gonna get unite, going to get delight
(The sun rise up)
This is the motherfuckers creating new dramas
Are you ready for the revolution wars?
We gonna get through(×3) Stand up!!
けど確かに戦況は変わっちまった いまだに後遺症は残ってる
俺たちは変わらなきゃならない だが誰もが檻に閉じ込められてる
お前の生活だって消し飛んじまったはずだ この状況はまるで地獄さ
悪魔の囁きが聞こえる 息をするのさえ苦しい
でもたまに感じるだろ 自分が過去を取り戻すために存在してるって
だから忘れるな お前の周りに仕掛けられた罠から抜け出す事を
俺は決めたんだ この状況を変えてやるって 永遠にな
これはマジだぜ 何があろうと為さなきゃならないんだ
その手を空高く掲げろ 時代に負けない これが俺たちのスタイル
俺たちは共に行くんだ 希望にあふれた栄光の新世界への旅路を
闇夜をくぐり抜けて目に物見せてやろうぜ 今がその時なんだ
さぁ目を覚ませ 掃き溜めからの反攻はすでに始まってるんだぜ
ぶっ飛ばしちまえよ!! 新聞紙の上で人生を終えたりするな
だってお前がゲームの主役なんだ もう二度と泣いちゃいけない
グズグズするんじゃねぇ その手にマイクを掴めよ
このゲームは不安に満ちてる 増えるのはただ痛みだけ
俺たちは共に闘うんだ もう一度輝きを取り戻すために
俺たちは共に行くんだ(×3) 立ち上がれ!!