Need you
作詞 Mr_HitAndRun |
I 'm feeling pain in bottom my heart.
鈍く 淡く 深く 確かな痛みが今
Notice you're allready other lover.
既設? 事実? 略奪? 眩暈がするほど"Sad"
Why were you going? tell me baby.
I so regret to relace your hand.
But I can't rewind a hand.
I love you most in the world.
But you love other man deep.
I'm cring for sea that I love you baby.
叫べど 憂いど 願えど 君は
I know that but I can't give up.
Dicided to rescue you.
I'll kill him and drop for hell.
醜(みにく) 足掻く 汚く 手段なんて...
But may be he kiss her right now.
浮かび 叫び 苛立つ 殺してしまいたい、、、
All the her's never give you.
But her say "I never love you"
I must take back you from a bad dream
I need you. So baby,
Please come back right here.
I'm always think about you truly.
乱れて 泣いて 裂いて 暴れて
Where are you? Please tell me baby.
I don't know have to go.
何ひとつ 君ひとつ ただひとつも
望みたくない なんて、、、いえない
I need you. So baby,
Please come back right here.
I'm always think about you truly.
乱れて 泣いて 裂いて 暴れて
Where are you? Please tell me baby.
I don't know have to go.
I love you most in the world.
But you love other man deep.
I'm cring for sea that I love you baby.
叫べど 憂いど 願えど 君は
I know that but I can't give up.
Dicided to rescue you.