Again and Again
作詞 RiK |
What makes me feel bad? I know.
That is you. All things that you do make me crazy.
Why do you make me feel bad?
I'm fed up. All things that you do bring you down.
Again and Again, I gave you a helping hand.
Again and Again, you rounded on me.
Again and Again, you came up against me.
Again and Again, I gave up on you.
When will you understand? I wish.
That is you. You will come to yourself someday.
Where are you going to do the next time?
I'm tired.I want you to say enough is enough.
Again and Again. All day and every day.
Again and Again, I was troubled about you.
Again and Again. From that day to this day.
Again and Again, you and I went round and round.
あなたのすることすべて 私をおかしくさせるわ
あなたのすることすべて いつかはあなたに返ってくる
何度も何度も 私はあなたに手を差し伸べたけれど
何度も何度も あなたは私を裏切った
何度も何度も 私に歯向かって
そしてその度に 私はあなたを見捨てた
もううんざり いい加減にしてよ
何度も何度も 絶えずずっと
何度も何度も あなたに悩まされた
何度も何度も あの日から今日まで
いつになっても 私とあなたは堂々巡り