

作詞 蟻蛾 心
Guys finish coveting "dream".
There is not one means to fight against.
You must continue still fighting.
So that oneself gains freedom.

We live even if not recognized as a human being.
When we got rid of a reason to fight, we are not us.

A bell resounds. Insects begin to sing.
A woman sneers. Insects begin to wriggle.
He promised to for freedom and her.
He draw the dream that is never subjected to by guys.

Guys finish coveting "dream".
"Dream" turns into "life" sometime.
Art to make rots away with there not being it.
So that oneself grants a dream.

We live even if not recognized as a human being.
When we got rid of a reason to fight, we are not us.

It is inherited alternately.
All ringleaders are three insects.
She promised to for freedom and him.
Walking in the fight that I do not expect.

A boy continues fighting.
A boy continues praying for a dream.
A girl continues fighting, too.
A girl continues praying for a dream, too.

A shot sounds. An insect chirps.
Snow flickers. An insect flies about it.
Glorious silver. An insect acts violently!
Lonely war, a meaning to continue…

A bell resounds. Insects begin to sing.
A woman sneers. Insects begin to wriggle.
It is inherited alternately.
All ringleaders are three insects.
He promised to for freedom and her.
He draw the dream that is never subjected to by guys.


歌詞タイトル タイトル自粛
公開日 2007/07/10
ジャンル ロック
カテゴリ その他
コメント 作ったのは去年の今頃です。タイトル自粛の訳はこれは僕の好きな小説を勝手にイメージして作ったからです。しかも最近アニメ化されてました^^; 和訳もまんまなので自分で調べてね。
蟻蛾 心さんの情報
