

Our moment.
作詞 purple elephant
So many moments and memories,
We've shared them with joyfulness and tears.
We long for the moment we're in now.

So many smiles and fluttering bellies,
We've felt them with nervousness and fears.
We long for the feeling we're feeling now.

So many arguments and uncertainties,
We've forgotten them with happiness and cheers.
We long for the uncertainty we're uncertain about now...

I know you wantit...
I want it too...
Only one who knows my secret,
that I want it is you...

I'm ready to become one,
I'm ready to become yours,
I'm ready to give you what no one else can have...

Are you ready to become one?
Are you ready to become mine?
Are you ready to give me what no one else can have?

So many times I've thought of how,
So many times thought of when...
So many times thought of what we would do,
and now it's beginning to happen...

You look in my eyes, whispering,
"are you ready?"
I can only think of you and nod my head.

Suddenly I'm overwhelmed,
at first with tremendous pain.
I can feel you inside me,
I feel like we're together.
Though some say it's wrong I feel happy,
I want this painful moment to last forever..

This is our moment, our memory.
We shared it with joy and tears.
I felt butterflies in my belly,
We were nervous and had fears.
We were uncertain, didn't know what would happen.
It's our secret that no one knows but us,
Our moment, our memory.


歌詞タイトル Our moment.
公開日 2007/02/28
ジャンル ロック
カテゴリ 恋愛
コメント I can't really say much about this...
purple elephantさんの情報
