

The bed is close, why don't we party?
That fuckin feeling of satisfaction
All we need is more interraaccttiooonnnn

Why don't we tango against the pole over there
the bed is close, why don't we party?
Your legs against mine, your waist fits right in.
Your juices dance against mine, we have created the ultimate mood.
Though you leave me through mid-climax, why'd you do that?
I thought we had something going on, what's up?

That was not necessary. That was not necessary.
What's up with you? Have you already had enough?

All I want is you, your sweaty existence, your amazing sex.
Don't leave me, Don't leave me. All I need is you and your voice.
The image of last night still lingers within my mind.
Your juices still on the tip of my tongue.
What do I need more than a vivid experience with you?
What more could I want?

Why don't we tango against the pole over there
the bed is close, why don't we party?
Your legs against mine, your waist fits right in.
Your juices dance against mine, we have created the ultimate mood.
Though you leave me through mid-climax, why'd you do that?
I thought we had something going on, what's up?

Don't leave me, Don't leave me
We had something here, let's continue it.
The party is over? But is our party over too?
See me, watch me, watch me naked with your eyes.
Watch me, feel me, feel me up and everywhere.
I can be erotic too, just like you.

That night still lingers within my mind,
your screams echoing through my imagination,
My hands are against my chest and crotch.
I know I need you, I want you, you are my very existance.
Let's go back to what we were before, what we were before.
What were we anyways?
Let's become what we could have been.


歌詞タイトル The bed is close, why don't we party?
公開日 2011/02/05
ジャンル ラップ・ヒップホップ
カテゴリ その他
コメント 結構エロい感じになってしまいましたが、まぁとにかく男女の夜の関係をイメージしてみました!
