

作詞 R-tya
For me there is no fashion sense
You will have to write?
For me there is no fashion sense
You will have to write?

I barely
For me
You're important

You barely
For you
It's important I

Do not forget such a thing would
Darkness enveloped in dark
Once in the morning Sun rises
The day begins again

Followed by the same dream forever
The walk will pass away but ran hard to live

Go towards the dream of a great full fling one big thing we're just two people it off


Branded but no evidence
Branded with a fight
And a single-minded desire 追っかけた
Nevertheless you will die rapidly are familiar

Cried in desperation
I'm not disparaging gloomy to you
You assimilate this coy look
Do you scold Kurenai in affection?

The endless sky and how this
And how far the sea bluer
Without even where this dream fall
Proceeding proceeding
I would like to continue chasing

Do not forget such a thing would
Darkness enveloped in dark
Once in the morning Sun rises
The day begins again

Followed by the same dream forever
The walk will pass away but ran hard to live

Go towards the dream of a great full fling one big thing we're just two people it off

Do not forget such a thing would
Darkness enveloped in dark
Once in the morning Sun rises
The day begins again
What better dyed any color
What better dyeing any color
It is known only to you
That have their own human energy
I heart you are following
've Got soul pervade everyone
By including the means to go to realize that the act of walking itself

Followed by the same dream forever
The walk will pass away but ran hard to live

Go towards the dream of a great full fling one big thing we're just two people it off


歌詞タイトル 追っかけた
公開日 2011/10/13
ジャンル 歌謡
カテゴリ 応援歌
