作詞 卓弥 |
You do not understand truly.
Air is not bad.
The nose of you who feel it as a smell is bad.
Is this quibbling?
Endless dispute 水掛論 ループしても気付かぬ同Level...
Your devil side 覚醒 侵食されてゆく自我 oh... 「痛々しいのはどっちだ?」
Yo,yo! かますboos attack
鸚鵡返し mimicry
巡り巡る Seven major offenses
愛想は尽かすな honey
嗤うなら心ん中で fuck'in
惑わされた擬態に スプレーで上塗り agree
自分を強く持て your mind
It can do so that he may want to do.
You are your own thing.
Even if your dress becomes dirty,
Don't lose your own heart.
自分を愛することで 欠落を見出したなら
それすらも愛せ My only color.
Hey you! 騙すmonkeys
股開くのは bitsches
現れる 7th big sin
余裕を絶やすな honey
中指は心ん中で erection
惑わされた奴らに 哀れみ少しくれてやれ
自分を強く持て your mind
It can do so that he may want to do.
You are your own thing.
Even if your dress becomes dirty,
Don't lose your own heart...ah
It can do so that he may want to do.
You are your own thing.
Even if your dress becomes dirty,
Don't lose your own heart.
何かを愛することで 欠落を見出したなら
それすらも愛せ it is only color.