作詞 卓弥 |
日々抑える 自己本能 押し殺す 人格
取り繕い 隠してる 見えないように 隠してる oh
街路樹を潜って 秘密の入り口へ 足運び
今日も取り繕い 隠してた 俺の本能が 目を覚ます
個々で夜な夜な とあるPlay バレちゃイケない秘密のPlay
俺に隠れた 一つの人格 今此処で youとPlay...
Let's dance with you a childish play.
This is unchastity abnormal sex.
I am fuck'in nursed by you, and I taste sweet you.
Go to heaven... Go to heaven... Go to heaven oh...
I would like to die with you in theater.
声に出すたび 溶けてゆく 二人を墜とす魅惑のPlay
胸を抉る言葉で刺して 無力な俺を oh....
こびり付いた 一つの人格 この宵に 目を覚ます
Let's dance with you a childish play.
This is unchastity abnormal sex.
I am fuck'in nursed by you, and I taste sweet you.
(Dance!dance! in this abnormal Situation!)
Let's dance with you a childish play.
This is unchastity abnormal sex.
We are in another dimension.
It is the only honey world.
(Dance!dance! in this abnormal Situation!)
Go to heaven... Go to heaven... Go to heaven oh.....
Let's dance with you a childish play.
This is unchastity abnormal sex.
I am fuck'in nursed by you, and I taste sweet you.
(Dance!dance! Until it dies...)
After exposing various shameful conduct....