作詞 卓弥 |
A tear does not stop.
I can't understand living...
A black tear flows out.
I can't forget a nightmare...
ずっと失くさないように 大切にしていた人形みたいに
視点を俯かせて 過ぎた一点を眺めている
I can't forget the pain past.
I can't forget the important past.
Please damage,please damage
This body is made into compensation.
Please kill me,please kill me
This blood is made into compensation.
Long time... 傷付き 悩み果て 生み出した解え
空っぽの 己を代償に 一つの世界を創ろう
それと同時に 腐った此の世も 終わるだろうから...
もう見なくても良い 薄暗い現実は
もう生きなくても良い 薄汚い現実で...
Saved up in me.... Bad Scream!
In order to make the world finish, it is my karma.
I become a sacrifice, and change the world...
For all the things which I love, Eternal good-bye.
I loved everythings, my dear...my dear.....
A tear stopped suddenly.
I can't understand now.
A black tear disappeared.
My nightmare awoke...
ずっと失くさないように 大切に想っていた人は
視点を落としたまま 止まった命を眺めている....