

cant call this luck
作詞 hjhon
i send a postcard to the cigarette company
i wanted the free sevenstar zippo
smoked when i was 13 for the very first time
sevenstar believer since 17 when bestfriend recomended

i smoked hell out of it to get the zippo
reduced my life for it, think i'll die young
all for the zippo, all for the cigarette campaine
around 20 cigarettes for 1 postcard, i got 6 of them

today, many people got the sevenstar zippo
so i did too, went back home early
check my post, stupid envelop from the bank
thats not what i want, fuck it, where is it

i ran home as fast as i could to the second post
i got nothing, stupid letter from the post office
it says, We have delievered box at 9am
shit, this is it! this is it! i won the campaine too

but there were more words below, caught my eyes
The box is from the make-up company, i read again
To Miss Kang, the box is from the make-up company
fuck it, its not mine, its my mom's stupid make-up

i started lotto when i was fuckin 11 years-old
and i still cant win the fucking money
not even 10000yen but i do have to lose the fuckin zippo
its just the zippo, from killer the cigarette company

fuck, my god, why wont you let me win
didnt i sacrifice enough or i wasnt good enough
fuck, just tell me what can i do to win something
im life is boring, im the one who always lose

who's the fuckin winnner? i would like to meet
then i will kill you, i swear to my heart
i will kill the winners, and please dont be sad
im sure you were very happy one time, cant even imagine

i would love to taste that happiness


歌詞タイトル cant call this luck
公開日 2008/07/04
ジャンル ロック
カテゴリ その他
コメント キャンペーン&宝クジを外した怒りと、やるせない気持ちですw
