 コメントを書くコメント 2 件


作詞 hjhon
how should i live and how should i express?
what should i do and what should i tell?

how people miss-understand each other?
how people can hates each other so easily?

how can you be strong?
how can you be so fuckin perfect?

how can i forget all good stuff?
how can you forget all good stuff?

how can you choose to believe?
how do you decide what to believe?

how can you say those hurtful words?
how can i listen and take them to my heart?

what's right and what's wrong?
how do you deicide?

when do you sing?
when do you cry?

why do you say 'thank you'?
why did you say 'thank you'?
when do you choose to take back your words?

if your ganna take back what you've already said.
why do you tell?

take responsibilities
always be yourself

im not ganna take back any words
all i've said and did,
all i'll say and will do,
they are all true
thats why im still talking
thats why im still writing

i will always let you to think
i will always let you to say whatever you need to say
i will always give my best to understand you
i will always think and care for you, no matter what happens

so PEOPLE, come on
im ready to get hurt
im ready to hear anything
i will never hate you, how can i hate you?

even you hate me already, i dont think its bad.
you do have the right to hate and hurt me

i will listen
i wont talk back

give me some rock n roll tunes
and i will be alright all alone


歌詞タイトル conclusion
公開日 2008/05/04
ジャンル ロック
カテゴリ 友情
