The nocturne sounds while crying.
Like scream….
The nocturne sounds while crying.
A cry of the poignancy.
The nocturne sounds while crying.
She who became pregnant whom it does not overlook.
The disgusting baby who sulks on a day on a day.
A nightmare to revivify the violated vivid touch.
Tragedy of the madness. This world that flies away.
The nocturne sounds while crying.
Like scream….
The nocturne sounds while crying.
A cry of the poignancy.
The nocturne sounds while crying.
She who became pregnant whom it does not overlook.
Murder him. Murder him. Murder him. A spearhead of the hatred.
Murder him. Murder him. The guys cannot compensate for a crime.
Punish it. Punish it. Punish it. The root of the hatred.
Punish it. Punish it. Give guys a hell.
The nocturne sounds while crying.
Like scream….
The nocturne sounds while crying.
A cry of the poignancy.
The nocturne sounds while crying.
She who became pregnant whom it does not overlook.
The law that should have been made to protect a person.
The law protected the beloved person of only one and did not give it.
I cursed this country which did not forgive capital punishment.