My Sweet Pain
作詞 トミノ |
Do the stream of the blood of the stream from me slowly like the river.
I am a source of blood. ..turning over.. .. gradually change into a
sweet pain bloody of the stream.
This is a punishment. Sweet, cruel punishment to me.
The maze of the memory stops the time of the stream blood in the
place where I am perplexed.
儚く散って そして狂わせるは 泡夢の花
何色の言葉で言い表せれば この痛みを乗り越えれるだろうか
傷跡 血 涙 それら全てが幻想だとしたら
Good-bye the chat. Happy time who flew out from picture book.
It begins to be able to undo the thorn, and the needle of the clock
smeared with blood begins to tick away time again.
...turning over.. .. glean the splinter of the memory spilling, and
tie the lyric poem that the rabbit spilt.
I who sleeps holding big regret and small safety in completed puzzle.
沈んだ日々 理性の溶け込んだ甘い痛みの本能
吐息とともに吐き出されるは 使い回しの安易な優しさ
血に溺れ 快楽の罰に恍惚し それでもなおあの思い出を
廃れた日々に 私の罰に対する終止符を